Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Work is getting underway!

So I work for an organization called AREPACHO - Agricultural Association for the Reduction of Absolute Poverty and to Combat HIV/AIDS of Chongoene. These are a few pictures of an event we had last Friday. All of the activistas in my org (about 135) received new kapulanas in celebration of National Woman's Day. It started at about 8:45 in the morning, but that doesnt stop ANYONE from getting up, strapping on a new kap, and singing in perfect pitch. Yup....that included ME. I was trying to keep a "low" profile - which never happens - but they immediately spotted me out. "Mana Nana, ven aqui, queremos dancar!" which means, Nana get out that chair and shake what ya momma gave ya - just kidding. It means, come here, we want to dance. So I started dancing and taking pictures at the same time. It was alot of fun and gave me a chance to ATTEMPT to speak and learn the names of all the activistas. That may never happen, but its a start. Hope you enjoy the pics!

sing it momma, sing it

Here is Ms. Ivete, the Project Coordinator at Arepacho. funniest woman ever.

I also work at two "escolinhas" or preschools, one in the town of Fidel Castro and the other in my home town Chongoene! I absolutely love children - grant it they're a handful - but they really put a smile on my face.

More pics of work to come! Hope everyone back home is fabulous..until next time =)


  1. wow at last u updated ur blog,been waiting for like forever..lol.. anyway am Happy things are going well especially with the new JOB and Oh yes "Mana Nana, ven aqui, queremos dancar!" which means, Nana get out that chair and shake what ya momma gave ya!!!! hahahaha shake `em :)

  2. haha sorry Didi, I will get better at updating! Im always at the internet cafe lately but get lazy with updating my posts, but i will just for you! Yes, work is coming along...its a slow process but I'm also amazed at how fast time has gone by. I've been here 6 months and can't believe it......amazing.

  3. Hey Fina, time does go by fast, everyday will get easier and easier for you, look at it this way, you will never be bored. and life is what you make it. if you sit around and do nothing, nothing will come to you. no pain, no gain which means no pain no money. (smile) take care and keep up the good work. love mom
