Thursday, December 9, 2010

Vamos Vencer....

Ola everyone! Its been over a month since my last update - sorry! Things got a lil busy and what not! …..but don’t get too rowdy yet - I promise this one’s gonna be good….so here we go…

End of Training and Swearing In Ceremony....

So, last time we talked I explained what was happening around week four and now its about week 9 or 10....I dunno I can't keep up. But good to know that things are better and I'm alot less stressed.For me training was a long haul, and I'm happy its over. Yea it was a lil sad when I was saying goodbye to my homestay family in Namaacha, but I think I was ready to move on and see what else this country has to offer, and I must say, I'm lovin' it. I'm sure you want to hear more....

I swore in as an official Peace Corps Volunteer in Maputo, Mozambique December 3 at the US Ambassador, Leslie Rowe’s, house...jealous much? It’s a beautiful house, and the ceremony was fabulous. We all swore in to the same oath that Obama sworn into as President. It was a cool moment, I must say....can't say the same for the food....but ya know. Ms. Rowe gave a speech, and it was good to hear her words of encouragement, because alot of us needed it. This was an awesome step in our journey thus far. Let's be real.....not many people get to chill at the Ambassador's place for a few hours while becoming a PCV ;)

Where am I, and what am I doing?

I am currently living in Chongoene, Mozambique, in the Gaza province. I’m located in the south right along the Indian Coast. There’s two beaches nearby, my house is ADORABLE, I live right next to the organization that sponsors me, I am surrounded by sand, I have my own mango tree, and Im living on my own… southeastern Africa….which was and still is somewhat of a shock….but I love it! I work with an organization called AREPACHO, which allows me to work with people affected with HIV/AIDS, orphans, and vulnerable children (OVC’s). I’m very excited about that and can’t wait to get my foot in the door. I wanted to work with children, so Im happy to have this opportunity! And BIG SHOUT OUT TO ZACK, the previous volunteer before me who built a preschool from the ground up,for showing me around, introducing me to new people, and best of all giving me all his things that he doesn't need anymore....its like an early Christmas! He gave me pots, pans, a gas stove, house decorations, water filter, etc.....he's such a good person. Thanks Zach!

By the are some other things you probably should know.....during my first few months here I have witnessed the following....

1. a lil girl about 4 yrs old gettin jiggy in the bar....dancing to chris brown...with her hands up

2. a woman walking up to me and started speaking Changana a local language, then looking at me strange bc I don't respond....(I'm not Mozambican)

3. me falling in a puddle while no one was looking....happens....

4. witnessing a man walk into a wall...then play it off like it was a dance move....that jokester...

5. me handling my business in a plastic bag bc the bathroom was too far away.....(yea you're laughing but this MIGHT happen to you if you live here for a few weeks!)

MOving on, I will post pics of my house and my new town sometime next week, and thanks to everyone who responded to my last e-mail, REALLY sorry I didnt write everyone back, but I will! My internet time is limited as you already know...but I love you all and thanks for the encouragement!

Still aching to send me a letter? Then do so! E-mail me for my mailing address. I could really use some new bath gloves! haha

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