Sunday, October 17, 2010

2 weeks in....

Ola! I've been here two weeks now, and already feel like its been a month! But this is a good thing I guess - learning to adapt in a new place and culture. Still learning Portuguese, living with my homestay family, and training, training, training.....

Right now I am in Naamacha living with my homestay family - a beautiful familia with three little girls. The eldest sister takes me everywhere I need to go. My mai cooks the best food, and always makes sure that I'm good with everything. (she loves laughing at me trying to wash clothes!) At first when I moved in - it was a lil awkward because we all had some communication problems. My family only speaks Portuguese and a local language called Changana. Talk about sign language! First thing I did was take a bath - and yaaay I got an indoor bathroom! Alot of trainees don't so Im happy. My room is huge, with yellow walls. Its a three bedroom house, and very nice. My mai likes flowers, so theres a lot of vases around the house. Im lucky to get such a nice home, it makes things a lil easier and comfortable.

I live in a small community setting where everybody knows everybody. I've gotten used to the stares from ppl, Im sure they just want to know who I am and why Im here. I like talking to ppl and answering their questions (in broken portuguese that is). Class is about a 25 minute walk from home, and the market and shoprite is close walking distance too. So Im finding I can easily get things I need. And of course my fabulous fellow trainees are always around.

And probably the coolest thing I notice about my neighborhood is the musica! I can hear people dancing. First of all, the music never shuts off. It doesn't matter if its 3pm or 3am, the party continues. Right now I can hear Akon in one corner of the neighborhood, and Justin Beiber on the other - Beiber is HUGE here! One girl said to me. “voce cantar ‘baby baby baby’ de Justin Beiber,” It definitely was a classic moment with us blurring his song - I actually see his videos a lot when I watch tv with my sisters. Oh, and Rihanna is huge here too, they love her. My eldest sister is Shakira, and I am Lady Gaga according to her. And while we're on music - they have a mozambican dance contest - "So you think you can dance" style, and its probably the funniest thing to watch after a rough day.

Other than that, I'm taking pictures, meeting new people, getting used to the food, loving my indoor bathroom, dodging the roosters, and getting used to the creepy crawlies! Im starting to become friends with the unknown bugs that floats around here. The weather has been cold, wet, and rainy. (ewwww, but then we have days where it gets really hot, so the weather changes alot here. Its summer season but its real cold on some days! Thank goodness I brought rain boots =)

We have 7 more weeks of training I think, and then its the swearing in ceremony. Im staying busy by writing letters to friends and fam, studying Portuguese, walking to the market, and sitting outside my house that overlooks the mountain scenery. Its beautiful here, and day by day I'm learning more about life in Naamacha. PLEASE send me messages, letters, texts, e-mails, and call me! I miss you all a sista stay sane. Boa noite! (Good night!)


  1. Hi Nana! Sounds like a learning experience but you'll learn to speak portuguese in no time best way to learn is to get thrown into it. Post some pictures! I miss you tons! Good to hear you are with a nice family and are staying at a nice home. Sound like you are having fun with your sisters. Take it all in! Luv ya!

  2. You should practice your Portuguese on me dear. Look out for a call!
