Friday, October 1, 2010

Bem vido!

Ok, this is going to be the fastest blog I've ever typed because I want to update you all before I leave for my homestay family. So bare with the non-structure pls!

Well, WE MADE IT =) Finally here in Mozambique after long flights and bus rides. I am still feeling jet lagged, but I am very happy the group got here safe and on time! I've been here 3 days now, and already have so much to say. For starters, the people in my group are a very diverse, high-spirited group of people. We all are so different - age, background - but share one thing in common of course, which is the need to become an official PC volunteer. Right now we are trainees, and have to successfully complete three months of training - which includes becoming an Intermediate Portuguese level. Talk about pressure! Our homestay families are not allowed to speak in English! But I actually think this is much better, because that will force me to speak Portuguese all day long. Its a beautiful language and I love the way Mozambicans speak it. So I am very anxious to meet my homestay family tomorrow and spend my first weekend here with them. I want to integrate into everything they do - parties, dinner, cooking, cleaning, church, well...everything. I think this will be the best way for me to learn more about Moz culture. So excited for that.

Hmmmm what else - oh yea the current Ambassador for Mozambique is Leslie Rowe - and I like her style! She gave a very motivating speech to us yesterday, and it was nice to hear her speak about why the PC is an important organization. From what I am learning about Moz, they need our help in their communities, and our job is to help them achieve their goals. So I am looking forward to the challenges ahead.

So the weather and scenery is eye-catching. I saw the Indian Ocean and the President's house along the beach. Its a very nice house, and I learned that no one is allowed to walk on that side of the street. And some of the houses are so nice, everytime we take a bus ride somewhere I just stare, observe, and just take in everything I see. I mean, I've only seen a few miles, but so far its just amazing. But tomorrow I will see more of Moz, as we travel to Namachaa to our families. Its right on the Swaziland border so I've been told. As PC trainees we're not allowed to travel there yet, but when we're sworn in as volunteers we can travel to nearby countries. Swaziland will definitely be the first place I visit - I heard its a cool country to see, so looking forward to that.

OH and the food! Mutio bem! I have eaten so much its not even funny. The rice, beans, sauces, tasty. They also give us some real good passion fruit juice with our meals - and tea and coffee is served on the regular. Our hotel staff is very kind, and we all eat together for breakfast and dinner. I'm probably the greediest girl in Moz right now!

Also, please continue to contact me through facebook, email and skype! skype is the best, it works great out here! I don't have a sim card yet, but we are all supposed to get one next Saturday, so I will text and call you all as soon as I can! I miss everybody, and continue to send me messages because there definitely is down time, so keep that in mind! Talk to you all soon, Boa noite!


  1. Hey Nana!
    I'm so glad you made it there okay and safe. Please call as soon as you can. I have skype but haven't used it yet. I'm so glad you are doing this. It's going to be great for you. I miss you tons. There's not much going on with me. The same old thing. I'm still at the Roemers but actively looking for a place of my own :-) Been working a lot too. I havent been able to hang out Flora, Jennillee or Maria. I miss them too! Espero que te vaya bien y que tu español te ayude con el portugués.
    Beijos e abraços!

  2. Meu Amor,
    I am so late with this Blog thing. The blog looks really nice! I am so glad you are doing what you like. Good Luck with the Portugues! Sending you my love! <3 Sandra

  3. Diana! Its good to hear that you're happy Im doing this - bc I must say only being here for two weeks I've been challenged already lol. Talk about communicating in a language you don't know! Its coming along, and Im not a quitter. I love it here, even though I have difficult moments. But I have a phone now so i'll send you the number! besos para ti!

  4. Hola Sandra! how is everything? send me updates from home, I hope all is well. I am trying to learn as much portuguese as I can, so its coming along! follow my blog so u can get all my updates. miss u mi amor =)

  5. Just wanted to let you know that Fronzie is so happy for you!
